Farolito (little Star)

 Tác giả : Gloria Estefan

 Người đăng : administrator, 13 năm trước

This song is built upon a blend of a typical colombian pacific coast rhythm called "currulao". the unique instruments that were
Used in this song include a shaker called a "guache", the conga, log drum, maracas, tambora and the wood sticks, that when combined give a fresh new sound and provide the melodic and h
Ic structure of the song. the hand claps blend the overall rhythmn for this song with the background vocals resemb ling african chants. the melody has very unique character as well as the nove
Of a plastic
Water bottle. the water bottle added yet another new sound to this song . "farolito" (little star) is a romantic and ethnic language song talking about christmas night a night when
Yone is together sharing the sweet illusions of christmas. this night points dreamful portraits; it's a time for sharing dreams with people you love.

Farolitos en el cielo
Little stars in the sky

Poco a poco van naciendo (x2)
Little by little they are born

Como nace el sentimiento
Like the emotion born

Por las calles de mi pueblo (x2)
Through the streets of my village


Corazón que canta
Heart that sings

Corazón que suena
Heart that dreams

Lleno de esperanza
Full of hope

En la noche buena
On christmas eve


Ya se escucha la tambora
Now you hear the drums

Recpicando de alegría (x2)
Merrily beating out
Y mecida por olas
And swaying through the waves

Va la luna en travesia (x2)
Goes the passing moon


Corazón que canta
Heart that sings

Corazón que suena
Heart that dreams

Lleno de esperanza
Full of hope

En la noche buena
On christmas eve


Ae ea van sonando los tamores
Ae ea they go beating the drums

Ae ea pregonando sus amores
Ae ea proclaiming their loves

Ae ea corazónes que se alegran
Ae ea hearts that are merry

Ae ea pues llego la noche buena
Ae ea christmas eve has arrived


Pescador deja tus remos
Fisherman stop your rowing

Guarda pronto tu atarraya (x2)
Soon you'll tie up
Que te espera con anhelo
What you've been longing for

El brazo de tu amada (x2)
The arm of your sweetheart


Corazón que canta
Heart that sings

Corazón que suena
Heart that dreams

Lleno de esperanza
Full of hope

En la noche buena
On christmas eve


Es la noche del ensueño
Its the night of dreams

Al abrigo de la llama (x2)
To cover the flames
Es la llama del consuelo
The flames of solace

Que se lleva aqui en el alma (x2)
That arrives here in the soul

Corazón que canta
Heart that sings

Corazón que suena
Heart that dreams

Lleno de esperanza
Full of hope

En la noche buena
On christmas eve

Corazón que canta
Heart that sings

Corazón que suena
Heart that dreams

Lleno de esperanza
Full of hope

En la noche buena
On christmas eve


Farolito a donde vas
Little star where do you go

A abrazarme con el mar
To embrace myself with the sea

Farolito buscame
Little star find me

El amor que se me fue
The love that was for me (x4)


Coro: (x4)

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